Smog Polska

Check out also dedicated project website!

Smog Polska makes it easy to track air quality. Nice widget and automatic notifications assures up-to-date information from stations located across Poland. With Smog Polska you will always know when you should avoid walks and outside activites.

iOS Application

Smog Polska - iPhone
Smog Polska – iPhone
Smog Polska - Map
Smog Polska – Map
Smog Polska - Notifications
Smog Polska – Notifications
Smog Polska - Widgets
Smog Polska – Widgets

Android Application

Smog Polska – Android
Smog Polska – Android
Smog Polska - map
Smog Polska – map
Smog Polska - Notification settings
Smog Polska – Notification settings
Smog Polska - Widgets
Smog Polska – Widgets

watchOS Application

Smog Polska - watchOS
Smog Polska – watchOS
Smog Polska - watchOS
Smog Polska – watchOS
Smog Polska - watchOS
Smog Polska – watchOS
Smog Polska - watchOS
Smog Polska – watchOS

Used technology (iOS/iPadOS/watchOS):

  • Swift 5.5
  • SwiftUI
  • TCA architecture / MVVM + Combine
  • WatchKit, WidgetKit, MapKit, StoreKit
  • SwiftLint, SwiftGen
  • Firebase Analytics/Crashlytics/Performance
  • CocoaPods, SPM

Used technology (Android):

  • C# (.NET Framework 4.5)
  • Xamarin.Forms
  • Prism Framework
  • Firebase Analytics/Crashlytics

Used technology (backend):

  • Amazon Web Services
    • API Gateway
    • AWS Lambda
    • AWS Simple Notification Service
    • DynamoDB
    • CloudWatch
  • MongoDB Atlas
  • .NET Core (C#)


  • iOS version: iPhone, iPad (iOS 12.2+) or Apple Watch (watchOS 7+)
  • Android version: Android phone or tablet (Android 6.0+)


App Store - Smog Polska

Google Play Store - Smog Polska